Brother HL-3170 Fuser Replacement

Brother HL-3170 Fuser Replacement
Brother HL-3170 Fuser Replacement

Is your Brother HL-3170 leaving a crumpled stripe down the page?  Does the toner smear easily?  When you open the back of the printer do you see orange plastic chips?  The fuser may need to be replaced.  You can replace the fuser on your Brother HL-3170 easily with this tutorial…

Brother HL-3170 Fuser Replacement

Parts Needed:

Tools Needed:

Software Needed:

Step 1: Diagnose the Problem

Here is an example of what the print jobs looked like coming out of our printer:

Page printed with Brother HL-3170 with vertical crumpled line
Vertical crumpled line on printout

I opened the back of my printer:

Back of the HL-3170 printer
Open the back door
Brother HL-3170 back door open
Back door open

Open the roller tray by pushing down the green tabs and swinging the tray open:

Instructions on opening the inner-roller mechanism
Push the green tabs down and open the rollers

I could see the damage to the black roller in the fuser unit:

Damaged fuser
Toner roller damage

And there was orange chips loose in the printer:

Orange chips falling off the fuser roller
Orange chips falling down

The fuser heats up to fuse the toner to the paper so they eventually wear out and this one is definitely done.  Time for another repair…

Repair Instructions

Step 2: Unplug the printer.

You need to unplug the printer to be safe when doing this repair.

Unplug the printer!
Unplug the printer!

Step 3: Open the back door of the printer.

Printer back door open
Open the back door of the printer

Step 4: Push down the green tabs on each side and fold down the roller door.

Open the roller door by depressing the two green tabs down
Push the green tabs down

Step 5: Remove the 2 screws from either side of the roller bar covers.

Remove these two phillips-head screws:

Location of left roller cover screw
Left Roller Cover Screw Location
Location of right roller cover screw
Right roller cover screw location

Those two screws above hold two plastic pieces in place that 1. cover the fuser wiring, and 2. hold the roller bar in place.

Step 6: Remove the roller bar assembly.

I don’t know what this thing is called so I just call it the roller bar assembly–i.e. the part that has the green tabs on each end and which we just opened up.  Remove the right plastic cover as seen here:

Pulling out the right fuser plastic cover
Pull out the plastic cover

Once that right cover is out you can fish the right end of the roller assembly out of it’s place.  You need to play around with the angle of the assembly (rotating it open/closed) so the flat edge of the right end of its shaft is oriented correctly to slide out–don’t force it.

Diagram showing how to remove the right end of the roller bar
Instructions for removing the roller bar

Once the right side is out pull the entire assembly to the right and it will come out:

Roller bar assembly removed
Roller bar assembly removed
Diagram showing how to pry out the left plastic cover
Gently pry out the left plastic cover

Step 7: Remove the two Fuser mounting screws.

There is one on the right:

Brother HL-3170 Right Fuser Screw Location
Remove the right mounting screw

And one on the left:

Brother HL-3170 Left Fuser Screw Location
Remove the left mounting screw (slightly hidden behind the plastic tab in the picture)

Step 8: Disconnect the three electrical connectors from the fuser.

Carefully lift the two connectors up out of their sockets on the right side.  Be careful about pulling on the wires as you don’t want to pull the wires out of the connector.

Brother HL-3170 Right fuser electrical connectors
Right fuser electrical connectors

Here’s what the connectors look like when removed:

A look at one of the right fuser electrical connectors disconnected
Right electrical connector disconnected

Pull out the left electrical connector:

Left fuser electrical connector location
Left fuser electrical connector location

Disconnect the connector:

Disconnecting the left fuser electrical connector
Disconnecting the left electrical connector

Here is what the electrical connector looks like once you get it disconnected:

Left Fuser electrical connector disconnected
A look at the electrical connector disconnected

Step 9: Carefully remove the fuser.

The fuser will come straight out:

Brother HL-3170 Fuser Removed
Fuser Removed

Step 10: Clean out the fuser roller flakes.

There were a bunch of orange toner roller flakes inside the door of my printer.  I vacuumed them out.  Be careful as you can discharge static electricity from the vacuum hose onto the Printer electronics, so steer clear of the circuit boards where you disconnected the wiring:

Orange fuser roller flakes
Clean out the fuser flakes

You don’t want to leave any flakes inside the printer so I vacuumed them out.  There could be a chance that you could zap some electronics with the static that can generate on a vacuum hose so don’t touch any circuit boards with your vacuum.

Vacuuming up the red pieces that the fuser shed
Vacuum out the fuser pieces

Step 11: Insert the new fuser unit and reinstall the screws.

The screw holes should face you and the red roller will be on the outside bottom, as seen below:

Reinserting the new fuser into the printer
Insert the new fuser into the printer.

Line up the screw holes:

Brother HL-3170 Left Fuser Unit Screw Holes
Lining up the left fuser hole
Lining up the right fuser hole
Lining up the right fuser hole
Reinstalling Left Fuser Unit Screw
Reinstalling the left fuser unit screw
Right fuser screw reinstalled
Right fuser screw reinstalled

Step 12: Reconnect the electrical connectors.

Snap the left electrical connector together:

left fuser electrical connector reconnected
Left fuser electrical connector reconnected

Reconnect the two right electrical connectors, the white one on the left and the red one on the right, as seen below:

Right Fuser electrical connectors
Right fuser electrical connectors reconnected

Step 13: Reinstall the wiring cover.

Install it as seen below:

Brother HL-3170 Left Fuser Wiring Cover
Left fuser wiring cover in place

Then install the single screw:

Brother HL-3170 Left Fuser Wiring Cover Screw
Reinstalling the wiring cover screw

Step 14: Reinstall the Roller Assembly

Reinstalling the Roller Assembly
Reinstall the roller assembly now

Insert the left side first, as seen below:

Inserting left side of roller assembly
Insert the left side of the roller assembly into the hole

Insert the right side.  It doesn’t go into a hole but fits into the opening seen below.  The end will be held in place by the plastic cover you will install in the next step.

Inserting the right side of the roller assembly
Insert the right end of the roller assembly

Reinstall the right fuser wiring cover.  It will hold the right side of the roller bar in place.  Replace the one screw as seen below:

Right fuser wiring cover in place
Reinstall the right fuser wiring cover

Now the hardware portion of this repair is complete.

Fuser replaced
Fuser Replaced, now update the Firmware

Step 14: Download the printer’s firmware updater.

Replacing the fuser requires you to update the HL-3170’s firmware:

Note which came with fuser requiring a firmware upgrade
Replacing the fuser requires a firmware upgrade

Download the firmware updater at Brother’s website: HL-3170 Firmware Updater Tool.  Connect your printer via USB:

Printer connected via USB cable
Connect your printer to your computer via USB

Step 14: Update the printer’s firmware.

Run the updater tool.  I updated my printer’s firmware using a Mac.  Here are some screenshots from the process:

HL-3170 Firmware Update-Firmware Tool Downloaded
Firmware Tool Downloaded
Firmware Tool Installer Running
Firmware Tool Installer Running
03 HL-3170 Firmware Update-Firmware Tool Installer Disk Space Notification
Disk Space Notification
04 HL-3170 Firmware Update-OS Password Required
OS Password Required
HL-3170 Firmware Update-Brother Firmware Update Tool Network Options
Network Options
06 HL-3170 Firmware Update-Searching For Models to Update
Searching For Models to Update
07 HL-3170 Firmware Update-Device List
Device List
08 HL-3170 Firmware Update-Information Permission
Information Permission Request
Do Not Power Off Warning
Do Not Power Off Warning
Firmware Update-20 Percent Sending Info
20% Sending Info
Firmware Update-20 Percent Downloading Firmware
20% Downloading Firmware
Firmware Update-30 Percent Updating Main Firmware
30% Updating Main Firmware
Firmware Update-61 Percent Updating Main Firmware
61% Updating Main Firmware
Firmware Update-86 Percent Updating Main Firmware
86% Updating Main Firmware
Firmware Update-20 Percent Updating Sub Firmware
20% Updating Sub Firmware
Firmware Update-82 Percent Updating Sub Firmware
82% Updating Sub Firmware
Firmware Update-100 Percent
100% Complete

During the update the printer’s fan came on and shut off multiple times.  Once you are done updating your firmware your fuser replacement is complete!

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  • Actually, instead of using a screwdriver, use an awl with a sharp point. The portion of the connector that is attached to the wires has a “nib” that slides into a groove on the circuit board connector. The awl is placed on this nib and slid upwards.

  • Follow-up

    Step 8 – Those small connectors on the small printed circuit board 0n the right side are fragile. To disconnect the wires, use a small screwdriver and place the corner of the blade in the middle of the connector facing you, then slide the connector upward. Don’t press too hard and don’t use needle nose pliers to grab the top of the connector. If the pliers slip, you risk hitting the wires. Pliers also put too much torque on the connector fastened to the circuit board.

    I used these instructions for replacing the fuser on a model 3180 and they were perfect. The hard part was resetting the fuser counter. I finally found the following, which worked.

    Brother 9130, 9330, 9340 Replace Parts Fuser Unit Reset
    By Kevin Gumpp
    January 4, 2021

    Instructions for the Brother 3180, 9130, 9330, 9340 Replace Parts Fuser Unit Life Reset Procedure

    1) Press the “tools” icon and hold down the Home key until the screen showing serial number with 4 boxes is displayed. (less than 10 seconds for a 3180 printer)

    2) Hold down the 4th space, which is blank (last rectangle box) at the bottom of the LCD until the numbers grid is displayed on the LCD. (less than 5 seconds)

    3) Press the * on the machine’s numerical pad, then press 2, 8, 6, 4 on the display grid unit in that order. The display will show “Maintenance” and enter maintenance mode.

    4) Once in Maintenance mode, press 88. Reset-Fuser Unit will be displayed on the LCD.

    5) Press SET key on the touch screen, and Reset-Fuser unit Ok? will be displayed.

    6) Press SET key on the touch screen to reset the fuser counter

    7) Press Stop key on the touch screen. Press 99 to exit maintenance mode

    8) Printer will now reboot and the fuser counter will be reset.

  • Thanks for an excellent procedure demonstration. In your opinion, is it a viable option to replace just the rollers (from China on e-Bay for $25) instead of the entire fuser assembly ($255)? Thanks

    • It could be possible. I don’t know the reason why the rollers go bad. It could be because the heating element in the fuser doesn’t keep at the correct temperature but overheats. If that were the case then you would be doing the repair again soon. Let us know what you do and how it goes.

  • Thank you and yes that was the original issue, exactly like yours. I really appreciate the support!
    Many thanks again, we will try reinstalling and going back to supplier.

  • Just to further update – I finally spoke with a representative at Brother who advised that the fuser roller was not heating up to the proper temperature and that was the cause of the error message. They then advised that repairs should be done by a qualified technician (although they could recommend none in my area) and that improper installation could result in fire or explosion. This is so disappointing as I have invested a significant amount of time and $ in trying to get this machine to work :(. Not a happy ending for me….

    • Maybe you should work with where you purchased the part and see if they will replace it as defective. The temperature sensor and heater are part of the new part so if it isn’t hitting temperature the part could be bad. Alternatively, and as a last result, I’d uninstall and reinstall it and see if that fixed it. What was the original issue you had with it? Was it a deteriorating roller like mine?

  • Thanks I will try that! Your support is excellent and the instructions were so well laid out. Cudos!!

  • I followed all the steps yet my printer is now showing an error Message Unable to Print 05. I have turned the machine on and off multiple times and cannot get the message to clear…..any suggestions please?

  • Hi John, It looks on my printer that only the top roller is crumbling and damaged. Bits of orange are crumbling into the area. Could I get away with only changing the top black roller and leaving the lower orange roller alone. Do you have a source for the top black roller.

  • John, this page is awesome!!! You did a great job documenting this. It took me < 1 hr to do this with an aftermarket fuser/roller and it all went smoothly. Thank you for all the pictures and detailed instructions!! Have a great day!

  • Great job, John. Your detailed instructions helped me successfully install a refurb fuser and salvage my printer. Many thanks! Mike M

  • Awesome!!! Following this super detailed guide made my repair a breeze! Thank you so much for the great work!!

  • I only had that happen once I believe, I think the paper just crinkled on its own without heat. They jam immediately even coming out of the paper tray, meaning it isn’t even getting to print yet, but it jams about two or three inches going in. If it somehow does begin to put toner down, it will jam in the rear tray. Maybe 1 out of every 7 or 10 pages does not jam. It doesn’t look like they are being heated up. It started with the double sided feature always jamming–that never worked, and now even single sided printing doesn’t work. I’m using quality paper. Doesn’t seem to matter what type. The back roller does not seem damaged or melting. There probably is something wrong with the feeding mechanism. I cleaned all the paths and didn’t find any bits of paper anywhere.

  • I have this printer and it continually jams. It started with double sided printing, but now every other sheet will jam. I’ve looked inside, followed the method to stick 5 sheets of paper in the rollers to clear them out, nothing works. Any advice on how to fix this, or is this printer junk?

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