How to Force Tivo Programming Update

Highlight Phone & Network and Press the Select Button

I recently moved and do not have constant internet access at my home yet.  My TiVo needs an internet connection to update the programming schedule but it only has a connection when I manually connect it via my iPhone’s hotspot.  I need to force my TiVo to update when I have it connected but it doesn’t automatically refresh the programming immediately when it is connected to the internet.  I figured out how to force the update; read on to learn how…

How to Force Tivo Programming Update


Step 1: Enter the Messages & Settings Menu.

Press the TiVo button on the remote and press the down button until “Messages & Settings” is highlighted and press the select button.

Select Messages & Settings from the TiVo Central Menu
Select Messages & Settings from the TiVo Central Menu

Step 2: Enter the Settings menu.

Press the down button to select “Settings” and press the select button:

Select the Settings Menu
Select the Settings Menu

Step 3: Enter the Phone & Network menu.

In the Settings menu press the down arrow until Phone & Network is selected and press the select button:

Select the Phone & Network Menu
Select the Phone & Network Menu

Step 4: Connect to the TiVo Updater Service.

Select “Connect to the TiVo service now” and press the select button:

Highlight Phone & Network and Press the Select Button
Highlight Phone & Network and Press the Select Button

Step 5: Wait for the updater to run.

It will go through the following steps: Preparing, Connecting, Getting info, Disconnecting, and then Loading info:

Waiting for the data to load
Waiting for the data to load
TiVo Central Menu-Loading Info 73 Percent
Loading info 73%

When it is done you will see “Loading info (Done)”:

TiVo Central Menu-Loading Info-Done
The TiVo Updater has finished

Now you have manually forced your TiVo to update!

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  • ahhhhhh nope… Did not work…. Tried six times. Connect….Download….Install… reboot ///…. NOTHING////

    • You haven’t given me any background so I’ll ask a few questions. Has it ever worked? What is the history with this problem and the TiVo? Is this system new to you? Have you transferred a lifetime subscription from another person? Do you have a TiVo subscription? If you have bought someone else’s device you must activate it with TiVo. When you go to TiVo Central > Messages & Settings > Settings > Phone & Network > Network Connection, does it give you an IP address in the top right section? What does it tell you in the Last status field on the left? In the network > Change Network Settings section do you have “Get automatically from a DHCP server (typical)” selected. Try selecting that option. Unless you have a custom home network that should be the setting.

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