How to Change Hyundai Accent Engine Air Filter

How to Change Hyundai Accent Engine Air Filter
How to Change Hyundai Accent Engine Air Filter

Here I show you how easy it is to change your own engine air filter.  Repair shops will charge you to replace it but you can easily do it for the price of a filter and they are cheap!


Tools Needed:

  • None!

Parts Needed:

How to Change Hyundai Accent Engine Air Filter

Step 1: Pop the hood.

Pull the latch inside the cabin down near the drivers left knee on the dash:

Hyundai Accent Pulling Hood Latch
Pull the hood latch handle

Release the hood safety latch and lift the hood:

Release the safety latch and lift the hood
Release the safety latch and lift the hood

Put the hood support rod in place.

Hyundai Accent Hood Support Rod
Put up the hood support rod

Step 2: Locate the air filter box.

The air filter box is above and slightly to the left of the battery:

Location of the air filter box on Hyundai Accent
Location of the air filter box

Step 3: Release the four filter box lid latches

There are four spring latches that lock the upper cover down on the air filter/breather box.  Below is where they are located.

Upper air filter box latches
Upper air filter box latches
Lower air filter box latches
Lower air filter box latches

Simply pry them each off as seen below:

Prying off the air filter box spring latch
Pry off each latch as seen above
Latch released
Latch released

Step 4: Lift off the lid of the air filter box and remove the old filter.

The filter box lid will lift straight off and then you can see the engine air filter sitting there:

Lift the lid straight up and off to reveal the filter
Lift the lid straight up and off to reveal the filter

Take out the old filter.  It just lays in the opening.

Air Filter Removed
Here’s what it looks like with the air filter removed

If there are any large leaves or any other debris, clean it out now.  If you really want to you can vacuum out the bottom of the air breather box.  It’s not crucial that you do because the air flows into the bottom of this box and then is drawn through the air filter and into the engine–anything large in the bottom of this box will stay on that side of the filter.

Step 5: Write the date on the new filter.

It is handy to know when you installed the filter so I like to write the install date on my filters with a Sharpie marker:

Write the install date on the new filter
Write the install date on the new filter

Step 6: Insert the new air filter.

The replacement air filter I purchased had square corners where the opening where the filter lays has slightly rounded corners.  This is not a big issue but it makes the filter seem to be too big.  You want to make sure the corners get down into the opening as seen below and then when you put the cover on it will lay in place like it should:

New Air Filter Installed
Make sure the corners are down in the opening

Step 7: Reinstall the air box cover and latch it in place.

When you are placing the breather box lid on make sure the filter stays down inside the lip on both sides.

Make sure the left corner/edge is down into the filter box
Make sure the left corner/edge is down into the filter box
Make sure the right edge/corner is down in the box
Make sure the right edge/corner is down in the box

You should feel the lip of the lid nestle down over the edges of the lower half of the air breather box:

Seat the lid back down onto the new filter
Seat the lid back down on the new filter

Flip all four latches back into place:

Re-Latch all Four Latches
Re-Latch all Four Latches

Step 8: Close the hood and you are done.

I never “slam” my hood down.  I drop it from maybe 6 inches and then push it down to latch it shut.  There’s always the chance you could have left a tool under the hood and you could damage the hood or something inside the engine compartment and it is unnecessary to slam a hood.  Now you are done!  An auto repair shop charges for labor and 20% or more on top of the cost of parts to put in an air filter so why not do it  yourself and save money?  It’s easy and anyone can do it!

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