How to Lower Your U-Verse Internet Bill

How to Lower Your U-Verse Internet Bill
How to Lower Your U-Verse Internet Bill

I signed up for AT&T U-Verse a year ago and received an introductory rate.  It was my plan to not make it so introductory though, since Comcast offers similar service in our area and their introductory rate beat AT&T’s non-introductory rate.  So I decided to pit the two against each other.

How to Lower Your U-Verse Internet Bill

As you can see from the image above, my introductory rate for AT&T U-Verse ran out on the 22nd of the month.  It was going up to $46/month for 6 Mbps internet.  I don’t want to pay that much so I called AT&T up and told them I was going to leave if they didn’t give me another deal.  The first person I talked to couldn’t help me but offered to transfer me to the cancellation department.  The guy I talked to at the cancellation department first asked what Comcast was going to do for me and I messed around for a while, trying to bring up ComCast deals in the area.  Before I even came back to him with a Comcast number he was able to give me a deal now I’m actually going to get $15/month off my bill compared to the previous $11.05 discount I received last year.  Now my bill will even be lower:

My new LOWER priced AT&T Bill with a $15/month reduction

I was required to accept a 1-year agreement but that’s not an issue.  There is a $180 early cancellation fee on that agreement, fyi.  Here are are some of those details I was just emailed:

12-Month promotion terms

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  • I have uverse with att. the installer installed a wireless system which turns out to cost twice as much as a wired system. Never offered the wired system. went to ATT and had them switch me over and saved $120/month

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