Letter from James Dudley Media Group – Scam!

Letter from James Dudley Media Group - Scam!
Letter from James Dudley Media Group - Scam!

I received this seemingly personal envelope in the mail.  I say “seemingly personal” because it was a combination of faux hand addressed, return address sticker, and presorted first-class.

Letter from James Dudley Media Group – Scam!

Inside it had two pages.  The first was a letter:

John _________
My Street Address
Chicago IL 12345-6789

Dear John ________:

We would like to invite your household to participate in our marketing study and promotion.  For your participation, you will receive a FREE Android Tablet Computer.

Once you have received and tested your Android Tablet, we ask that you complete the brief survey that we have enclosed and return it to us.

Whether you complete the survey or not, the Android Tablet is yours to keep.

You are under no obligation to pay, purchase or subscribe to anything to receive your tablet.  There is no cost for shipping and handling.

Please give us a call, toll-free, at (877) 302-8914.  Your package code is 1234-5678-9101.


James Dudley

James Dudley

Dudley Media Group, LLC.

James Dudley Media Group Letter

The second page was the following survey:

Dudley Media Group Android Tablet Survey

The dudleymediagroup.com website is a weird combination of freebies, current entertainment news, and “some restrictions apply” clauses:

Dudley Media Group Homepage

A cursory google search gave a lot of scam warnings and this F rating by the Better Business Bureau.  I’d avoid this like the plague and not call them and give your personalized “package code” which would probably place you on a sucker list to get more junk in the mail.

Blog postings on another suspicious letter I’ve received in the mail (which actually turned into real cash for me):

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