How to Purchase USPS Media Mail Postage Online on Paypal for Non-Ebay Purchases

For some reason you cannot purchase media mail postage on the website, which is a pain.  You can easily purchase media mail postage online via ebay if you sell books, etc.  I dislike going into the post office and avoid it at all cost.  There is a way to purchase media mail postage online through paypal without a sale, which will save you tons of time and money versus standing in line at the Post Office.  Here’s how…

How to Purchase USPS Media Mail Postage Online on Paypal for Non-Ebay Purchases

Step 1: Log into your account.

Step 2: Click on the following link for Paypal’s Ship Now.

I cannot find where to click in their website to visit that page but the link is in the line above.  Let me know in the comments if you find the path to follow from their main page.

Step 3: Choose USPS as your Shipping Carrier and then click “Continue.”

Pick USPS as your carrier for media mail

Step 4: Fill in the address you are shipping to and select “Media Mail” from the “Service type” drop-down menu in the Shipment Information section:

You have the choice to ship Media Mail via

Whala, you’re good to go.

Another time-saving tip: Print Multiple Labels

You can print up to 50 media mail labels at once with Paypal’s MultiOrder Shipping service.  Click on the image below to be taken to that page (you must be logged into your paypal account in advance):

Paypal’s MultiOrder Shipping Service

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  • Paypal is using Shipstation to handle their labels. When following these directions, you will be required to create a Shipstation account that Paypal will transfer you to. Still works the same way, with Paypal billing you.

  • Huge thank you! I just finished printing my label. A few notes that might help others:

    • Adblocker: Make sure to turn off your adblocker before you click the link/go to An adblocker will get in the way of PayPal’s popup windows, and the site won’t work properly.

    • Why you may not be able to find this feature on your dashboard: As far as I can tell, this Create Shipping Label feature is part of PayPal’s ‘Multi-Order Shipping’ tool and is therefore only available to Business accounts. If you have a Personal account like I do, the functionality won’t be visible to you/you’ll need to use the link John provided.

    • Longevity: However, the fact that PayPal created the link that Jacob mentions means that this is a feature and link that they want people to know about and use for the future. So it should work for awhile.

    Even if things change, though, it looks like if you Google enough variations on “print shipping label on PayPal”, etc., you should come up with the answer you need. Thanks again!

  • John Mueller — you are a hero. What love of mankind motivates you to post such things online? Good thing we’re not friends IRL or else I’d be asking you for help constantly! It took me a long time to find this on PayPal’s community forum, but this link also works: … I wish you well, sir!

  • I wanted to add to this. If you have a business account, I found the link tree from homepage:
    1. App Center
    2. Streamline Operations
    3. Shipping Labels
    4. Get Started
    5. from here you have 3 options:
    a. print a label for a paypal order
    b. print labels for multiple paypal orders
    c. print a label for another kind of order

    As far as a business account is concerned, this is how to get to the shipping function on PayPal.

  • thank you! Your link got me to be able to create a media mail. Laura’s above directions also worked.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don’t know why Paypal makes it so hard to buy postage, but I couldn’t find that link to save my life until I found your page. Many thanks.

  • You can use the link above, however, once you log on to PayPal and looking at your summary, you will see ‘seller tools’ located to the right of your summary page. Under ‘seller tools’ is a link ‘manage multi-order shipping’. Choose this and you’ll be able to ship one or several packages via media mail! Thanks for the link, it saved time at the post office!

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