Simple Pumpkin Carving Tool

About 5 years ago my wife brought home some big pumpkins and we decided to carve them.  I wanted to do something real fun so I searched the web for pumpkin carving templates and found this really elaborate spider web.  I didn’t have any pumpkin carving tools and this was going to require more than a kitchen knife so I looked around my shop to see what I could scrounge up and I ended up with some very good pumpkin carving tools.

Tools Required:

  • Heavy wire cutters (don’t use your favorite wire cutters though–you might damage them cutting the spring steel of a saw blade.)
  • Pliers
  • Vice (very handy but not absolutely necessary)

Materials Needed:

Simple Pumpkin Carving Tool

Step 1:  Locate a coping saw blade.

I had extra blades laying around for my coping saw but you may need to buy some.  Now if you have to go out and make a special trip to buy coping saw blades this tutorial may not save you any money but if you like to make your own stuff and have some blades laying around then it makes sense to make one from scratch.

Step 2: Cut the pumpkin carving tool blade.

Now you want your pumpkin carving tool to cut on the push stroke so you will want to make sure the blade is oriented correctly.  You also want the tip to be a point so you can just stab it into the pumpkin wherever you wish to start to cut.  Here’s a diagram of how you want the end of the carving tool to look like and how the teeth should point:
The correct orientation of the teeth–cutting on the push stroke (tip is at top)
Incorrect orientation of the teeth

I chose to cut at the very end of the coping saw blade to give me a better point on the end.  Again, make sure you choose the correct end of the blade so the teeth point correctly.  I am holding the end that you should cut:


Tip detail:

It turns out that the “clipping off” of the saw blade with the cutters actually creates an “edge” on the blade like a knife–handy for stabbing into pumpkins.

Step 3: Cut the handle end of the cutting tool.

Now you could do something like wrap the other end in tape but I’d prefer to do something a bit cleaner.  You also have to choose how long you want to make the total blade, making account for how much is going to stick into your handle, a dowel in this case.

I cut the handle end in the shape of a point as well because I’m going to be pressing it into a hole in the handle and a point will make it the easiest for us.

Step 4: Choose a handle.

I just happened to have a bag of 1/2″ dowel pins laying around from a project where I was repairing some furniture so that is what I chose to use but you could use a section of a plain dowel or even a rectangular block of wood or plastic for that matter.

I also could have used a section of 3/8″ dowel I had laying around but the 1/2″ will fit better in my hand I think.


Step 5: Drill the handle for the blade.

You’ll want to pick a drill bit size smaller than the width of the blade so that it fits securely in the handle without any movement.  I chose a 5/64″ bit.

Place your dowel in a vice to hold it still while you drill it.  You want to be real careful if you don’t have a vice or something to hold it with.  If you don’t have a vice, use a vice grip.  You don’t want the dowel to tip and stab yourself with the five-sixty-fourth!

It’s not imperative that you drill straight in but drill it as centered and straight as you can.

Step 6: Insert the blade into the handle.

With the dowel still in the vice take the blade and grip it with a pliers and press it into the handle.

As it turns out, I ended up pressing the blade about 7/8th of an inch into the handle and it is real tight.

The final product, better than you can get in the store.

Step 7: Carve something fun like this.

10/31/2015 Update:

I used these homemade tools again this year and this is how it turned out:

Spider Web Pumpkin Carved with Homemade Tools
Spider Web Pumpkin Carved with Homemade Tools
Using my homemade pumpkin carving tool
Using my homemade pumpkin carving tool

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