How to Fix a Cracked Control Panel Button on a Kitchenaid Sculptura Dishwasher


Our Kitchenaid dishwasher has a control panel with flush buttons that are covered with a single sheet of plastic and the most popularly-used button, “Start,” has finally developed a serious crack in it to the point that the plastic is coming up.  It really needs to be fixed because the insides are now exposed to water getting into the control panel from wet fingertips pressing the buttons.  Now I could buy a new control panel insert for $24 here but at this point I don’t really want to drop that much since the dishwasher is over 12 years old and something serious could go wrong with it and then I’d have wasted $25 so I want a cheap fix.  Here’s an easy fix–packing tape.  For a button that’s not even pressed a half dozen times a week, this should work just fine:
Step 1: Clean and then dry the area around the cracked button.  I just used a wet paper towel.
Step 2: Cut a section of clear packing tape.  I just made a square piece.  I used scissors so the edges were cleanly cut.

Step 3: Apply the tape.  In my case, since one side was sticking up I started the tape on that side and gradually pressed it down going from left to right, trying to make sure there were no bubbles underneath and that the plastic that was sticking up laid down nicely.
Now you’ve saved yourself $25 in under 5 minutes and you cannot even tell there was anything ever wrong with it:
Unless you look up close, that is 🙂
This tape will probably need to be replaced after some time but you can take it off, re-clean the area and then put another piece on and this solution will be sufficient for the remaining life of the dishwasher.Update October 29, 2013:
That same repair job from 14 months ago is still working out great:

Good old packing tape, going strong after over a year of dishwashing


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  • I actually ordered the whole cover but it did not come with instructions. Is it a simple peel off old / replace with new?

    • I have not performed that repair so I cannot tell you. By looking at the part you should be able to get some insight into how it is installed. I cannot imagine it is peel off and replace. I’m guessing you must disassemble the front panel of the dishwasher. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

  • I can attest that this is a good way to solve a design flaw and a frustrating problem. I had clear plastic tape on my button panel for 1-1/2 years on my kitchenaid dishwasher. My model had the buttons on the top edge of the door, hidden from view, but also more exposed to moisture. I previously replaced that button panel 2x (not a cheap repair). The tape method worked great until recently when I replaced the DW completely.

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