How to Replace the Memory in a Dell Latitude D830


  • Dell Latitude D830 Notebook Computer
  • Crucial 4GB kit (2GBx2), 200­pin SODIMM Upgrade for a Dell Latitude D830 System
I upgraded the RAM on a friend’s Dell Latitude D830 laptop.  I looked up the amount of RAM on it via the operating system and then went to to find out what memory it would need.  They stated that it could take two 2-Gig chips so I went ahead and ordered the maximum memory it would take (it only had 2 Gig in it at the time).  The memory came and I opened up the memory door on the bottom of the laptop and took out the first RAM chip and then discovered there was only one slot.  I was quite surprised because Crucial usually gives you good info on how much memory a machine takes.  So just to be sure I did some research and discovered that the other RAM slot is under the keyboard.  To remove the keyboard first pry off the top bezel.  You need to open up the screen all the way to give clearance for it to come off easy.

Removing the bezel

There is a little notch where you can insert the flat screwdriver:

Look for the notch on the right side and pry with the screwdriver

Now remove the three phillips-head screws at the top of the keyboard:

Look for the three keyboard screws marked by the red arrows

Now you must pop out (who builds them this way??) the keyboard by slipping a flat screwdriver under the edge of the keyboard and gently prying up:

Tilt the keyboard back (as if there were a hinge on the bottom) being careful because the keyboard is connected via a ribbon at the bottom.  Pull up on the light blue tab to release the ribbon connector and free the keyboard:

The keyboard ribbon connector circled in red

Insert the RAM in the slot which is right above the track pad:

RAM slot #2

Follow the steps in reverse to put it back together!

Here are all my other Dell Computer Repair Postings:

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