Error running Windows Update on New Install of Windows XP


  • Any Windows PC running a newly installed version of Windows XP (SP2)
This has happened to me now for the last two consecutive reinstalls of Windows XP.  I install it and everything works fine and when I try running Windows update from Internet Explorer I get the following message: “The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.” Error number: 0x8024400A
If you try running Microsofts Fixit service it will give you an error telling you, you need to update your computer (that’s a lot of help!?!?!), so that’s of no help.

Step 1: Install Windows XP Service Pack 3 manually.  Download WindowsXP-KB932823-v3-x86-ENU.exe (file no longer available on Microsoft website).

Step 2: You are done.   Service Pack 3 should solve the problem.

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